Monday, 13 May 2013


I've done nothing but paint for the last few days in preparation for my end of year exhibition at college so I've not managed to get out and take photos. The Bits + Bobs feature makes it really easy for me to keep the blog updated without having to do a lot of planning. Last weekend my family was through in Glasgow to celebrate my brother's 21st birthday! We all had such a good time and it was really sad saying goodbye to everyone. But, here are few photos from that weekend and a couple of others.

1. Our mantelpiece with some of my paintings on it
2. The lovely people at Company magazine put a little illustration of mine in their magazine last month!
3. View from our window
4. Favorite shop for vintage finds
5. Lovely lunch at the Transport Museum
6. Transport Museum architecture 
7. Out for my brother's 21st birthday. This is the only photo that worked.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are amazing! What camera did you use?
